Friday, September 24, 2010

Rust Preventative Paper and Packaging

In many cases, rust can happen to metal tools and parts that are exposed to moisture and oxygen over time.Metal corrodes, or "breaks down" due to chemical reactions caused by atmosphere and surroundings. Oxidation of iron atoms weakens metals.When metal reacts with water and oxygen over a period of time, it loses electrons, and this loss results in the iron becoming weak, corroded, and rust covered. Fork Truck exhaust, heat treatments, and other by-products from the metal manufacturing process especially sulfurous gases, acid vapors, and ammonia gases can also contribute to rust. Those processes and environmental changes such as humidity, long periods of time spent in storage, and transportation accelerate the rust.

Preventing Rust Before it Starts: Why is it important to use rust frustrative VCI paper and rust preventative VCI packaging?

Rust and corrosion contribute to waste-of both metal parts and money for businesses and consumers. Rust and corrosion is both unsightly and can greatly damage and weaken the structural integrity of metal parts, causing them to become unusable.

Some metal parts manufacturing and metal forming companies use rust frustrative oils instead of rust frustrative paper to prevent metal pieces and parts from corrosion and rust. The R.P. oils act as a barrier or coating between the metal and the elements, shielding parts and pieces from salt, moisture, air, gases, and contaminants. These R.P. oils are effective in preventing rust and corrosion, but have negative side effects.

Let's compare R.P. oils to a rust preventative paper alternative.

R.P. Oils:Both time consuming and labor intensive to apply rust frustrative oils, usually by spraying, dipping, or brushing on metal parts.

Rust Preventative VCI Paper: Green VCI paper and poly bags are easy to use and require very little labor, as parts are simply wrapped in paper or placed in a Green VCI poly bag and remain corrosion-free for years.

R.P. Oils:Rust frustrative oils pollute groundwater, lakes, and streams.

Rust Preventative VCI Paper:VCI bags are clean, dry, and safe for the environment.

R.P. Oils: To effectively dispose of storage containers and R.P. oil soaked items can be very costly.

Rust Preventative VCI Paper:Rust frustrative VCI paper is completely 100% recyclable, and VCI poly bags can be reused and/or recycled.

R.I. Oils:These oils can take a toll on employee health (they're known to contain carcinogens), VOC's, and cause slip and fall accidents.

Rust Preventative Paper: VCI Bags and paper have no harmful VOCs.The packaging is effective in that rust preventive paper bags are pre-coated with rust inhibiting chemicals, which migrate off the paper onto the metal surface. These molecules cover the entire metal surface and prevent moisture and air from corroding and rusting parts.No mess, no danger to employees.

VCI paper prevent corrosion that can lead to waste, and part failure. Corrosion is responsible for damage to automobile electronic parts, computer parts, mobile phones and more. During production, storage, or shipping, corrosion protection is equally important. Learn more about the many advantages of VCI bags and rust frustrative paper and packaging.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have heard about VCI Paper Sheets & Rolls but never seen them. Thanks for sharing. Keep exploring.